
Ótti - Ótti
Oversense - Egomania
Panzerballett - Planet Z
Persefone - Metanoia
Phantom Spell - Immortal's Requiem
Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound Of Thunder
Poverty´s No Crime - A Secret To Hide
Psychotic Waltz - The God-Shaped Void
Queensrÿche - Operation Mindrime / Empire (Deluxe Edition)
Rage - Afterlifelines
Ray Wilson - The Weight Of Man
Riverside - Lost´n´Found-Live In Tilburg
RPWL - God Has Failed - Live & Personal
Rush - Moving Pictures (40th Anniversary)
Sahg - Born Demon
Soen - Imperial
Souls Of Diotima - Janas
Spidergawd - VII
Spurv - Brefjære
Star One - Revel In Time
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