Früherer DIO/Rainbow-Bassist Jimmy Bain verstorben

JimmyBain RIP small.jpgWie heute bekannt wurde ist der ehemalige DIO/RAINBOW-Bassist Jimmy Bain im Alter von 68 Jahre verstorben. R.I.P. Jimmy.

Bekannt wurde Jimmy Bain durch sein Engagement bei RAINBOW und DIO. Darüber hinaus schrieb er zusammen mit PHIL LYNOTT die Songs für dessen Soloalben. Zuletzt war der Basser bei LAST IN LINE mit seinen ehemaligen ex-DIO-Mitmusikern aktiv. 

Via Facebook hat sich Vivian Campbell zu Wort gemeldet:

"It's with the heaviest of hearts that I must confirm the news of the passing of our dear friend and Last In Line band-mate, Jimmy Bain. It was Jimmy who gave me my first big break in the music industry and for that I am forever indebted.

Jimmy's struggles with his demons were well documented through the years, but over the last 18 months he had finally won that battle and he was bright and lucid and motivated throughout the writing and recording of the new record. He leaves behind him a rich legacy of work from Rainbow, through Wild Horses, Dio, and finally, Last In Line. Jimmy was immensely proud of our new album and his input to it was immeasurable.
He was a very kind and gentle and generous soul and our lives were greatly enriched for having known him. We will continue to celebrate his life through his music.
On behalf of Vinny and Andrew, our thoughts and condolences are with his family at this most difficult of times.
Rest in peace, dear friend."







JimmyBain RIP

Jimmy Bain live (1983)

(Quelle:, Foto: Wiki Commons / Dana Wullenwaber)