
A15 - A15
Amenra - De Doorn
At The Gates - The Nightmare Of Being
Charlotte Wessels - Tales From Six Feet Under
Devin Townsend - Order Of Magnitude - Empath Live Volume 1
Fuck The Facts - Pleine Noirceur
Grin - Translucent Blades
Hämatom - Berlin - Ein Akustischer Tanz Auf Dem Vulkan
Hvrt - The Grief That Feeds The Night
Igorrr - Spirituality And Distortion
Igorrr veröffentlicht "Parpaing" eine neue Single des neuen Albums "Spirituality And Distortion"
Katla. - Allt Þetta Helvítis Myrkur
Kirk Windstein - Dream In Motion
Mansfeld - Max Und Moritz
Motorpsycho - Ancient Astronauts
Napalm Death - Resentment Is Always Seismic - A Final Throw Of Throes
Napalm Death - Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism
Paradise Lost - At The Mill
Richard Barbieri - Under A Spell
Sataninchen - Yeah Evil
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